Craniosacral therapy is a light-touch therapy, using subtle movements of the bones in the skull and spine to improve the flow of spinal fluid and the fluid around the brain. It is effective in relieving tension that contributes to migraines, headaches, sinusitis, TMJ disorder, ADD, PTSD, chronic pain, whiplash, spinal curvature, Parkinson's and more.
Based on the idea that when the bones are correctly aligned, the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid is unhampered by restrictions and is allowed to keep even pressure around the central nervous system and protect the brain. Once your skull and spine are more perfectly aligned, it is thought that your body is better equipped to self-heal.
Sessions are performed on a massage table, fully clothed, with shoes and socks removed. No oil or lotion will be used. Gentle pressure will be applied with my hands to your head and other parts of your body. It is non-invasive.
Because the therapy is thought to benefit the body’s own healing process, it can be used to improve general well being, and may be a suitable treatment for anxiety, depression, insomnia, and may provide relief from emotional and physical trauma, and migraines.
It may take three or more sessions to gain the full benefits.
CST is one of the most effective therapies for releasing blocked energy, adding to wellness and longevity.
CST promotes deep relaxation and may provide you with a feeling of being "reset", more balanced afterwards.
Myofascial release therapy concentrates on releasing muscular tightness and loosening the body to remove the underlying cause of aches and pains. Fascia is the soft connective tissue surrounding your muscles and organs, helping to keep them in place. Sometimes it becomes restricted, tightening as a result of overuse, trauma, or inactivity, and can result in aches and pains that may make life difficult. Myofascial Release may help relieve the discomfort that comes from restricted fascia in the body.
Sessions are performed on a massage table with the client partially clothed, with minimal or no oil or lotion to allow better traction for loosening fascia.
I incorporate FasciaBlaster® tools in my sessions. I have been amazed with the results from one session that used to take multiple sessions to accomplish!
Pressure will be applied to your skin with hands, knuckles, elbows and/or a silicone cup to help stretch the fascia and mobilize it, freeing up even the deepest levels of tissue. You may feel a stretching or lengthening sensation, and may also feel a tingling or burning sensation which is normal and means the therapy is working.
Myofascial release therapy may be helpful in treating chronic neck, back, shoulder and hip pain. It may also be beneficial to those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or migraines.
Utilizing a 10-step protocol, as designed by Marsha Craven, LMT, RMT, CCHt, Lymphatic Drainage Massage concentrates on "freeing the flow" of lymph through rhythmic strokes, working as a vacuum.
Since the lymphatic system has no active pump, body motion is the primary source of lymphatic flow. The pressure is superficial, about a nickel's worth. Lymph drainage massages are done in a specific rhythm and direction to increase the flow of the lymphatic system in the body.
Sessions are performed on a massage table with the client clothed. (Suggestions include leggings, shorts, sports bra, t-shirt.) No lotion or oil are used.
Lymph drainage massage improves the function of the immune system and increases the production of antibodies that fight off infections. Lymph drainage massage may also reduce inflammation in the body that causes diseases such as arthritis.
It is relaxing and often reduces pain levels in the body.
Lymph drainage massage helps speed regeneration of tissues and cells, reduces scarring at surgical incision sites, reduces swelling and assists in detoxifying the body. (Wait at least 6 weeks after surgery, or until a doctor clears the patient for massage.)
Clients report a dramatic reduction in pain after receiving this modality.
I have seen tremendous changes over time with clients who receive lymph drainage massage. Lymph flows more easily, they are less tired from the same activities, pain is reduced, attitudes seem lighter. This work goes deep, even though the pressure used is light. Pretty amazing!
My additional lymphatic training comes from Upledger Institute and Di Ambrogio Institute.
Therapeutic Massage concentrates on promoting deep relaxation, and the release of long-held tension throughout the full body, with special emphasis on areas of greater tension. It is an effective treatment for chronic muscle pain and posture problems.
It can help you relax, re-align, improve your posture and boost your immune system by increasing circulation, allowing your blood to deliver more oxygen to your tissues to flush toxins away more efficiently so you can function and heal more effectively.
The techniques I use are a combination of traditional, firm, but gentle, long, gliding strokes, interspersed with deeper, more intense strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle. The pressure is determined by you; I pay attention to the cues you provide so you may more fully enjoy the experience, knowing my focus is on your comfort.
The session is performed with the client undressed to his/her level of comfort; they will remain draped throughout the session, with the exception of the area being massaged. Oil and/or lotion will be used. Essential oils are often incorporated into the session for specific purposes.
Visceral restrictions to internal organs (such as liver, gallbladder, stomach, intestines) may occur as a result of trauma (physical, emotional, mental), and injuries or surgeries that over a period of time prohibit movement.
If you have ever received massage or chiropractic and the pain gets better but comes back too soon, you may benefit from Visceral Manipulation (VM). "The body hugs the lesion" underlies the foundation of VM. The body protects itself by rallying forces to hold tissue in place around the area of injury, and that will eventually create stress on other areas of your body that may seem unrelated.
Scar tissue and adhesions from surgeries and injuries are released by the subtle manipulation of the organs, enabling the fascia and organs to move properly, helping symptoms to abate.
Visceral Manipulation has been effective in treating chronic pain, constipation, reflux, indigestion and elimination issues, menstrual discomfort, recurring neck, shoulder and back pain, frequent urination, erectile dysfunction, gallbladder and liver issues, irritability for no reason, fatigue.